Saturday, April 18, 2009


If you are looking for more details about The COTBAGEM, you have come to the right place. The information regarding The COTBAGEM will be posted shortly. Until then, the author (and co-founder of The COTBAGEM) requests you to read some of the other posts to pass the time.
For those of you who do not have the time to do so, please take note that The COTBAGEM is the acronym for the following: The Cult Of The Blue And GrEen Mooslings!
Please visit again soon!
Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: The following story is utterly fictional, and any characters, places, animals and other inanimate objects mention are a result of the Author's and the Creator's imagination. Any resemblance to real people,living or dead, places, animals, and inanimate objects is purely coincidental. Any offense caused is deeply regretted.

Monday, April 13, 2009

William Osler once (or maybe more than once, for all I know) said- "We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life." He's right. So I'm going to add what I can, even if its only in the digital world.

Add what you want, take what you subtract,
But know for once and for all this certain fact:
To add to life all one can,
Is the highest honour of a man,
Indeed is lucky that one fellow,
Who sees his life only as mellow.
Living with sorrow, filled with dread,
are those who cannot earn their bread.
Two ways to choose, two paths to take,
Decide which is real, and which is fake.
To get from life is not a sin,
As long as we return what we win.
But then again, there are those who don't,
Those who will say "I won't",
For for every action there is a right and a wrong,
As there are men both weak and strong.
Some succumb to their fears,
Others live pure for many years.
It is thus with good reason that I say,
I request, I plea, and I pray,
That you remember for certain this simple fact:
Add what you want, take what you subtract,
There are yet two paths to take,
It is up to you, discern which is real, and which is fake.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Glob of Blog series: Glob 1

This blog contains mainly, well- globs of blog.
The Unidentified Foolish Object would also like to add that whoever wishes to pursue this blog ought to be added to the list of UFO's.

But Seriously, the author would wish to express his concern of being unable to discern the topic on which he should first post. He will therefore be excused for blogging only after he finds a suitable topic.